日本の投資家にとって、バングラデシュが次の運命の地となるかもしれません 2021年は国父「ボンゴボンドゥ」シェイク・ムジブル・ラーマン生誕100周年とともに、独立の金字塔を祝う年であり、国全体にとって特別な意味を持っています。 現政権は多くの優遇措置を発表し、外国人投資家にバングラデシュへの投資を呼びかけています。
バングラデシュ経済は世界的に奇跡と呼ばれていますが、その奇跡的な発展のほとんどは過去12年間で起こったものです。政府は発展を加速させるため、第4次産業革命の中での競争の激化を考慮し、海外企業家にバングラデシュへの投資を促しています。AKアブドゥル・モメン外務相は、「バングラデシュはビジネスと投資に優しい国であり、外国人投資家に他の国よりも多くの機会を提供している」と述べました。 また、「バングラデシュは農業とエネルギー分野で著しく進歩している。エネルギー価格が安く、膨大な労働力があり、政府は投資を重視している」と述べています。
専門家は、バングラデシュは包括的成長アプローチを採用しているため、2030年までには世界第26位の経済大国になると予想しています。 多くの外国人投資家は激しい競争に打ち勝つために投資先を中国の産業から撤退させ、代替国としてバングラデシュを検討しています。しかし、これらの投資は一部の分野に集中しており、農業や食品加工など多様な分野に投資する余地がまだあります。
- バングラデシュに進出している外資系企業の本社への売上送金
- バングラデシュでの工場設立の投資に対する非居住者への株式発行
- 非居住者の投資家に対する株式配当金の送金
- 外国の個人・企業を含む非居住者による、バングラデシュの証券取引所を通じた株式・証券へのポートフォリオ投資
- バングラデシュの証券取引所を通じた非居住者によるポートフォリオ投資に対する配当金の送金
- バングラデシュの証券取引所を通じた非居住者のポートフォリオ投資のキャピタルゲインを含む売却収入の送金
- BOI(投資委員会)の承認を得て、工業ユニットが外国の金融機関から調達したローン/サプライヤー・クレジットの元金と利息の分割払いの送金。EPZ(輸出加工特区)にある100%外国人所有の(タイプA)工業ユニットは、外国からの借り入れについてBOIの事前許可を必要としない
- ローン元金と利息の支払いのための送金行為
- BOIガイドラインに準拠した技術支援/ロイヤリティ契約に基づく技術料およびロイヤリティの送金
- BOIが承認した雇用契約に記載されている給与・給付金のうち、バングラデシュを離れる際の海外駐在員の貯蓄の送金
- GFET-2009, Vol-1, chapter-16, para 4(B)の指示に従うことを条件に、バングラデシュで活動する外国企業に対して、銀行が通常の銀行業務を考慮してタームローンを提供すること
- 銀行の顧客関係と通常の銀行業務に基づいて、銀行が全ての外国人が所有・管理する工業・貿易会社に運転資金の融資を行うこと
- バングラデシュに投資している外国企業が、本社やその他のソースから公認ディーラーを通じて無利子の返還可能な短期外貨ローンを受けること
Bangladesh could be a potential investment destiny for the Japanese! The year 2021 carries a special significance for the entire nation as its golden jubilee of independence is celebrating along with the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The current government has announced many incentives and inviting foreign investors to invest in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh’s economy is termed a miracle worldwide and most of its miraculous development happened in the last twelve years. To accelerate the growth of the current development, Bangladesh government urging foreign entrepreneurs to invest more in Bangladesh considering the increased competition amid the fourth industrial revolution. “Bangladesh is a business- and investment-friendly nation, as we are providing the foreign investors with more opportunities than other countries,” said Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen. He also said, “Bangladesh significantly progressed in agriculture and energy sectors. It has low energy prices and huge manpower while its government is investment centric”.
Experts are estimating that Bangladesh will be the 26th biggest economy in the world by 2030 as the country is following an inclusive growth approach. Many foreign investors are moving their industries out of China to survive the high competition there and so, they could consider Bangladesh as an alternative. However, most of these investments are concentrated on a few sectors and there are scope to invest in diversified areas, including agriculture and food processing.
Bangladesh government is inviting private investment from overseas sources almost all the areas of the economy. Such investments can be made either independently or through venture on mutually beneficial terms and conditions. This included that foreign entrepreneurs are entitled to the same facilities as domestic entrepreneurs with respect to tax holiday, payment of royalty, technical know-how fees, etc. There are other incentives declared by the government including getting citizenship by investing a minimum of US $ 500,000 or by transferring US$ 1,000,000 to any recognized financial institution (Non-repatriable ), permanent residency by investing a minimum of US$ 75,000 ( non-repatriable).
Bangladesh government has special facilities and venture capital support which will be provided to export-oriented industries under “Thrust sectors”. This include Agro-based industries, Artificial flower-making, Computer software and information technology, Electronics, Frozen food, Floriculture, Gift items, Infrastructure, Jute goods, Jewelry and diamond cutting and polishing, leather, Oil and gas, Sericulture and silk industry, Stuffed toys, Textiles, Tourism.
Investment Protections are a major issue and BD government has adopted the policy framework for foreign investment in Bangladesh, which is based on ‘The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act. 1980,’ which ensures legal protection to foreign investment in Bangladesh. It also guarantees non-discriminatory treatment between foreign and local investment, and repatriation of proceeds from sales of shares and profit.
According to the website of Bangladesh Bank (https://www.bb.org.bd/investfacility/invesfac.php), to facilitate foreign investment, prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank is no longer required for:
* remittance of profits to their head offices by foreign firms and companies operating in Bangladesh
* issuance of shares to non-residents against investment for setting up industries in Bangladesh.
* remittance of dividends on such shares to the non-resident investors.
* portfolio investment by non-residents including foreign individuals/enterprises in shares and securities through stock exchanges in Bangladesh .
* remittance of dividends on portfolio investment by non-residents through stock exchanges in Bangladesh .
* remittance of sale proceeds, including capital gains of portfolio investments of non-residents through stock exchanges in Bangladesh
* remittance of principal and interest instalments on loans/suppliers credits obtained by industrial units from foreign lenders with approval of the BOI. 100% foreign owned ( Type A) industrial units in the EPZs (Export Processing Zone) do not require prior permission of BOI for such foreign borrowing.
* remittance in repayment of principal and payment of interest of such loans.
* remittance of technical fees and royalties against technical assistance/royalty agreements in conformity with BOI guidelines.
* remittance of savings of expatriate personnel at the time of their leaving Bangladesh, out of the salaries and benefits stated in their employment contracts as approved by BOI.
* extension of term loans by banks on normal banking considerations to foreign firms operating in Bangladesh, subject to compliance of the instruction of GFET-2009, Vol-1, chapter-16, para 4(B).
* extension of working capital loans to all foreign owned/controlled industrial and trading firms/companies by banks on the basis of bank customer relationship and normal banking practice.
* obtaining of interest-free repatriable short-term foreign currency loans by foreign firms investing in Bangladesh from their head offices or any other sources through any authorized dealer.
There are more incentives and reasons to invest in Bangladesh. With a population of just over 160 million, the country has a strong consumer demand and the consumer goods market, ranging from white goods and clothes to fintech, is growing fast. Women make up about half of the country, so more attention should be given to bring them into proper jobs and increase their economic contribution to the GDP. The country has been identified by the economist as the new Asian Tiger. This illustrates the untapped potential of worthy investment to the foreigners. The Japanese investors may took comparative advantages of the bilateral relationship between two countries and to take part in supporting sustainable development in Bangladesh.